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"Sure, I know," Pasinsky agreed, "but how much did you sell Kuhner? A thousand or two thousand at the outside. With me, Mr. Potash, I wouldn't bother myself to stop off in Chicago at all if I couldn't land at least a five-thousand-dollar order from Simon Kuhner, of Mandleberger Brothers & Co., and we will say four thousand with Chester Prosnauer, of the Arcade Mercantile Company."

Am informed by everybody that business is good on the coast and prospects of big orders also very promising. Sales have been slow here on a/c weather is very hot. Miss Schimpfer asst buyer millinary dept Mandleberger Bros & Co says things look very promising and expects to do a big fall business.

"I think I seen you oncet before already in Mandleberger Brothers & Co., in Chicago." "I presume you did," Marks Pasinsky replied. "Ed Mandleberger and me married cousins. That is to say, my wife's mother's sister is a sister-in-law to a brother of Ed Mandleberger's wife's mother." "Huh, huh," Abe murmured. "Do you know Simon Kuhner, buyer for their cloak department?"

"Sure, I know," Mozart replied, "but he got set back a couple of four hundred hands last Tuesday night with Katzen and me in the game, and the way he settles up his losing is that Katzen and me should take his commissions on a couple of orders which he says he is going to get from Simon Kuhner, of Mandleberger Brothers & Co., and Chester Prosnauer, of the Arcade Mercantile Company.

"Is that so?" Abe commented. "He turned us in a fine order to-day," Leon continued, "from Simon Kuhner, of Mandleberger Brothers & Co." "What?" Abe gasped. "Sure," Sammet went on, "and the funny thing about it is that Kuhner never bought our line before, and I guess he wouldn't of bought it now, but this here Arthur Katzen, Abe, he is sure a wonder.

I will be back here at six, sure." He made immediately for the business premises of Mandleberger Brothers & Co., where he found Simon Kuhner hard at work in his office. "Hallo, Abe!" Kuhner cried as Abe entered. "They told me you was a fit subject for crutches when I asked for you the other day." "Who told you?" Abe said without further preface. "Marks Pasinsky?" "Marks Pasinsky?" Kuhner repeated.