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The epoch was inaugurated by Lomonosov, the son of a poor fisherman of Archangel, who forms one of the curious band of peasant authors of very various merit, it must be confessed who present such an unexpected phenomenon in Russian literature.

Yegor Ni-ko-la-aitch!" chanted Father Christopher. "Mr. Lomonosov!" "Ah, our gentleman that is to be," said Kuzmitchov, "pleased to see you!" Yegorushka took off his great-coat, kissed his uncle's hand and Father Christopher's, and sat down to the table. "Well, how did you like the journey, puer bone?"

"Well, you'd better go back then. Anyway, you are going for nothing; it's a day's journey for a spoonful of porridge." "Never mind, never mind, my boy," Father Christopher went on. "Call upon God. . . . Lomonosov set off with the fishermen in the same way, and he became a man famous all over Europe. Learning in conjunction with faith brings forth fruit pleasing to God.

"They say he can't receive visitors," Father Christopher went on, undressing. "So I shall go away without seeing him." He took off his full coat, and Yegorushka saw Robinson Crusoe reappear. Robinson stirred something in a saucer, went up to Yegorushka and whispered: "Lomonosov, are you asleep? Sit up; I'm going to rub you with oil and vinegar. It's a good thing, only you must say a prayer."

His name's been well bestowed on him the very word, Herrraskov! Lomonosov Punin found fault with for too simple and free a style; while to Derzhavin he maintained an attitude almost of hostility, saying that he was more of a courtier than a poet.