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"Would you like to play hide and seek?" "No; leth not play at rough gameth," said Cuthbert. With a wild spasm of joy William realised that his enemy lisped. It is always well to have a handle against one's enemies. "What shall we do, then?" said Joan, somewhat wearily. "Leth thit down an' I'll tell you fairy thorieth," said Cuthbert.

'No, Alice said, 'but they can't possibly go on snivelling for ever. Perhaps they've got into the habit of it with that Murdstone aunt. She's enough to make anyone snivel. 'All the same, said Oswald, 'we jolly well aren't going to have another day like today. We must do something to rouse them from their snivelling leth what's its name? something sudden and what is it? decisive.

"It is nothing," replied the stranger in his sweet low voice, and passed on. "Well what about this theatre," demanded Mr. Longcord of his friend and partner; "do you want to go or don't you?" Mr. Longcord was feeling irritable. "Goth the ticketh may ath well," thought Isidore. "Damn stupid piece, I'm told." "Motht of them thupid, more or leth.

Tell him, when he theeth our horthe begin to danthe, not to be afraid of being thpilt, but to look out for a pony-gig coming up. Tell him, when he theeth that gig clothe by, to jump down, and it'll take him off at a rattling pathe. If my dog leth thith young man thtir a peg on foot, I give him leave to go.

Maxentius, who was a Briton by birth, and partly by origin contested unsuccessfully the purple with Gratian and Valentinian, and to support his claim led over to the Continent an immense army of Britons, who never returned, but on the fall of their leader settled down in that part of Gaul generally termed Armorica, which means a maritime region, but which the Welsh call Llydaw, or Lithuania, which was the name, or something like the name, which the region bore when Maxen's army took possession of it, owing, doubtless, to its having been the quarters of a legion composed of barbarians from the country of Leth or Lithuania.