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It is just the description that Horace makes of such a finished piece; it appears so easy, "Ut sibi quivis Speret idem, sudet multum, frustraque laboret, Ausus idem." And besides all this, it is your lordship's particular talent to lay your thoughts so chose together that, were they closer, they would be crowded, and even a due connection would be wanting.

But this is no more than the change of which a writer of no very strict cast speaks, as naturally belonging to their riper age: Conversis studiis, ætas animusque virilis Quærit opus, & amicitias: inservit honori: Commisisse cavet, quod mox mutare laboret. This is a point of infinite importance: let it not be thought tedious to spend even yet a few more moments in the discussion of it.

nec quarta loqui persona laboret. Mr. Langbaine professes himself ignorant from whence the plot is taken, neither can he find the name of any such Prince as Alaham, that reigned in Ormus, where the scene lyes, an island situated at the entrance of the Persian Gulph, which is mentioned by Mr. Herbert in his account of Ormus. Mustapha, a Tragedy, printed in folio 1633.

P. S. I teach young Gentlemen the whole Art of Gallanting a Fan. N. B. I have several little plain Fans made for this Use, to avoid Expence. No. 103. Thursday, June 28, 1711. Steele. ... Sibi quivis Speret idem frusta sudet frustraque laboret Ausus idem ... Hor.

He may succeed, and present to a wondering world a consummate musician, painter, poet, or philosopher; for even blind chance may sometimes hit the mark, as truly as the most perfect skill. But he will probably fail. Sudet multum, frustraque laboret. And, if he is disappointed, he will not only feel that disappointment in the ultimate result, but also in every step of his progress.