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I would not accept 'im for my pussonal attendant. No! But Sir Philip Bruce-Errington " He paused, then continued, "Air you sure of your facts, Mamzelle?" Mamzelle was so sure, that the bow on her cap threatened to come off with the determined wagging of her head. "Well," resumed Briggs, "Sir Philip may, like hothers, consider it 'the thing' you know, to 'ang on as it were to Vi.

As Si was bringing down his gun he noticed the Englishman aiming at the groups about the officers. "Don't shoot them. Fire at the others," Si called out, while he himself aimed at a man who was try ing to rally his comrades. "W'y the bloody 'ell shouldn't Hi shoot them the same has the hothers?" snarled the Englishman, firing into the group. "They're all bloody rebels."

I gulped it down, and with every grateful inhalation I felt my ribs painfully snapping back into place. Oh, Lady! Didn't I just eat that air up. And then, having gotten filled up with the long-denied oxygen, I asked, "Where's the others?" "Ayen't no hothers," was the brief reply. And there weren't. Later I reconstructed the occurrences of the night from what I was told by the rescuing party.

Not one word of French could I speak, and in consquince had nothink to do but to make myself halmost sick with heating hices and desert, while the hothers were chattering and parlyvooing. "Ha! "July 24.