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England has to come to Ireland for its Jinnerals! Luk at Jinneral Roberts in the marshes of Candyhar!" 'They always had sports at Orewell Creek on New Year's Day except once and old Duncan was always there, never missed it till the day he died. He was a digger, a humorous and good-hearted "hard-case". They all knew "old Duncan". 'But one New Year's Eve he didn't turn up, and was missed at once.

"And how does old Atlantic look?" "And who's your skipper, and what is he like?" "Oh, well, if you want to know. I'm sailin' under a hard-case mate as I sailed with years ago; 'E's big an' bucko an' full o' beans, the same as 'e used to be When I knowed 'im last in the windbag days when first I followed the sea.

But we fell in with another chap with a bad old dog a downright knowing, thieving, old hard-case of a dog; and this dog led our dogs astray -demoralized them corrupted their morals and so one morning they came home with the blooming meat inside them, instead of outside and we had to go hungry for breakfast." "You'd better turn in, gentlemen. I'm going to turn off the light," said the steward.

It's a bad thing that, for he's hefty enough, anyway, without stopping to think out his wickedness like a man. He's goin' to be a rough, hard case to tame, Sam, that Giant Wolf of yours; but he's come to a hard-case tamer, too, and don't you forget it. He's got to bend or break, and you can gamble clear down to the butt of your sack on that, my son.

He was the discoverer, I suppose, now I come to think of it, else the place would have been already named. Maybe the scene reminded the old cannibal of the home of his childhood. Pahiatua was not the home of my god; and it rained for five weeks. And, ever and anon, he returned to one, a hard-case from the West Coast, called 'The Flour of Wheat', and his cousin, and his mate, Dinny Murphy, dead.