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All the oafishness and surly awkwardness of the half-boy period was gone. His great black eyes were clear and confident: his dark hair clustering in short curls round his well-shaped head; his black lashes, and fine form, and a certain confident ease of manner, set him off to the greatest advantage.

Oh, hit'll sure fix that there fine slim body of your'n, an' that there pretty face what he likes ter look at so, an' them fine clothes'll be all wet an' mussed an' torn off you. You-all sure will be a-lookin' worse'n what I ever looked the next time he sees you, you with your no-'count, half-gal and half-boy name!"

Then Dicky, whose heart yearned to his wife and the little son he had never seen which, again, is a feeling no boy is entitled to enlarged the draft and wrote queer half-boy, half-man letters, saying that life was not so enjoyable after all and would the little wife wait yet a little longer?

Any fool would a-knowed what a woman with a half-gal, half-boy name like her'n would do, an' she's done hit, she sure has! But she ain't a-goin' ter do no more! You-all belongs ter me a heap more'n you do ter her, if hit comes ter that, though, I ain't a-foolin' myself none a-thinkin' that sich as you could ever take up with sich as me, me bein' what I am.

Delia bought the red waist, an' Abel walked home with her an' by that time Abel, with his half-scriptural, half-boy, half-lover way that he couldn't help, was just on the craggy edge o' fallin' in love with her. But I b'lieve it wa'n't love, just ordinary. It was more like Abel, in his zeal for reddin' up the world, see that he could do for Delia what nobody else could do an' her for him.