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Soon he came to the stepping-stones that led across the river to the goat-pasture, and there he met José's son and another boy. "Hello, there! Where are you going?" Tonio called to them. "We aren't going; we've been," said José's son, whose name was Juan. The other boy's name was Ignacio. "Well, where have you been then?" said Tonio. "Down to the lake hunting crabs. We didn't find any," they said.

I've got an old goat up there trained so he'll butt every time he sees me. Come along." The three boys crossed on the stepping-stones, and ran up the hill on the other side of the river to the goat-pasture. There was a growing hedge of cactus plants around the goat-pasture.

"It seems to me I shall dry up and blow away if we don't find it pretty soon," said Tita. "I've almost found it, I think," answered Tonio. "It must be right over by those willow trees." They went to the willow trees but there was no stream there. "I think we'd better go back and get the wood and start home," said Tita. "We can get a drink in the goat-pasture."

From the goat-pasture they turned into a sort of trail that led up the mountain-side, and rode on for two miles until they came to a thick wood. Here they dismounted and, leaving Tonto to graze comfortably by himself, began to search for ocote wood. Tonio had a machete stuck in his belt. A machete is a long strong knife, and he used it to cut up the wood into small pieces.

They both rode on the donkey's back and they had Tonio's lasso with them. The luncheon was in Tonio's hat as usual. Tonio whistled for Jasmin, but he was nowhere to be found, so they started without him. They crossed the goat-pasture, and this time Tonio did not forget to put up the bars. They passed the goat too, but Tonio rode right by and hoped the goat wouldn't notice him.

They were behind bushes in the goat-pasture, and they were both very badly scared. "Well," said Señor Fernandez at last, "what have you been doing?" "Just playing bull-fight a little," Tonio answered in a very small voice. "Didn't you know that was my goat?" said Señor Fernandez severely. "What business have you driving it mad like that? Get up." Tonio got up. He was stiff and sore all over.