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So the betel-nut got off and she went to take a bath. When she arrived at the river she was in no hurry, for she did not wish to go, and the people from Pindayan, who were Iwaginan and his wife Gimbagonan, and the other people passed by the place where she was bathing, when they were going to attend the Sayang in Kadalayapan. They saw the pretty lady taking her bath by the river.

Learns she is child's mother and marries her. He divorces his wife Aponibolinayen, who marries husband of Gimbagonan. The latter poisons her rival, but later restores her, when threatened by her husband. A flock of birds offer to cut rice for Ligi. He agrees, and goes home with a headache. Birds use magic so that the rice cutters work alone, and the tying bands tie themselves around the bundles.

A day later he took Aponibolinayen to Pindayan and Gimbagonan prepared the baladon poison, because she wanted to kill Iwaginan. As soon as he and Aponibolinayen arrived in Pindayan, Gimbagonan went to their house, and she took betel-nuts. As soon as she reached the house she gave the nut to Aponibolinayen, and it had baladon poison on it. She gave also to Iwaginan, but it had no poison on it.

Gimbagonan, who was the wife of Iwaginan, and Danay of Kabisilan went to Dagápan. When they arrived at the spring of Ilwisan of Dagápan they all stopped. "We will all stop here and wait until someone comes to meet us," said Aponitolau. Not long after Ilwisan and Dondonyan saw all the visitors who were at the spring, so they went to meet them.

The girl whom Aponibolinayen took out of her belt was Daliknáyan, and the girls whom Aponigawani took out of her belt were Indiápan, and Alama-an, and the girl whom Danay of Kabisilan took out of her belt was Asigtanán, and the girl whom Gimbagonan took out of her belt was Dalonagan.

As soon as they arrived in Pindayan he divorced Gimbagonan, and he went to marry Aponibolinayen. So truly he married Gamayawán. As soon as the pakálon was over, he paid the marriage price. Next evening Iwaginan and Aponibolinayen lived together. Next morning they went to wash their hair. "Wait for me here for I am going to dive in the river," said Iwaginan.

"You who live in the other towns who were invited, do not go home yet for we are going to take Aponibolinayen to Adasin," said Aponibalagen. Soon it became morning and they all went to Adasin and Gimbagonan carried two big baskets of cakes, and while they were walking she ate all the time and she ate half of them.

As soon as Aponibolinayen heard the noise of the shields she shouted and Danay of Kabisilan shouted also, and those who shouted were the ladies who always staid in the house. When they passed by the spring of Natpangan Aponigawani shouted. When they passed by Pindayán, Gimbagonan shouted and the world trembled while she shouted.

She went slowly to their house and when Iwaginan and the others waited a long time for her Gimbagonan was angry with Iwaginan and said bad words to him. Not long after an Agta woman passed by them at the river. "Ay, Agta, did you not see the lady for whom we are waiting?" said Iwaginan. "No, I did not see her," said the Agta.

After they stopped Iwaginan made his wife Gimbagonan dance and she was happy when she danced with Aponibalagen. When they danced the big jars around Gimbagonan's neck made more noise than the gansas and the jars said "Kitol, kitol, kanitol, inka, inka, inkantol." As soon as they finished dancing the people said, "The best thing to do is to go home, for we have been here three months now."