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But now under all these, and many more, modified modes of multiplication, the physiologist finds complete uniformity. The starting-point, not only of every higher animal or plant, but of every clan of organisms which by fission or gemmation have sprung from a single organism, is always a spore, seed, or ovum.

Therefore in many of such lower organisms such a congeries of ancestral gemmules must exist in every part of their bodies, since in them every part is capable of reproducing by gemmation. Mr.

The Hydra, when it has reached a certain bulk, puts forth from its surface a bud which, growing and gradually assuming the form of the parent, finally becomes detached; and by this process of gemmation the creature peoples the adjacent water with others like itself. A parallel process is seen in the multiplication of those lowly-organized tribes above described.

Ere we go home I may show you perhaps Hydra viridis, with long pea-green arms; and rosea, most beautiful in form and colour of all the strange family. You see that lump, just where his stalk joins his bell-head? That is a budding baby. Ignorant of the joys and cares of wedlock, he increases by gemmation. See! here is another, with a full-sized young one growing on his back.

The millions of infusoria or of aphides which, by sub-division or gemmation, have proceeded from one individual; the countless plants which have been successively propagated from one original plant by cuttings or tubers; are, in common with the highest creature, primarily descended from a fertilized germ.

Duncan has shown to what extent the Neozoic forms penetrate downward into the Carboniferous and Devonian rocks. Lithostrotion basaltiforme, Phil. sp. England, Ireland, Russia, Iowa, and westward of the Mississippi, United States. Lonsdaleia floriformis, Martin, sp., M. Edwards. Young specimen, with buds or corallites on the disk, illustrating calicular gemmation. b.

The latter is one of the numerous species of aphis which begins its attack in the winged state, and after producing wingless green lice in abundance which further increase by the process known as "gemmation" reappears with wings in the final generation of the lice, and hibernates in readiness for its visitation in the spring next year.

Successive births do not mean transmigration in the common sense of that word, but only the self-propagation of Karma: the perpetual multiplying of certain conditions by a kind of ghostly gemmation, if I may borrow a biological term.

The essential thing is and remains what was in the cell. Through gemmation, differentiation, segmentation, evolution, or whatever other technical expressions we may use for division, multiplication, budding, increase, etc., each cell became a hundred, a thousand, a million.

He learns that whole tribes of creatures multiply by gemmation by a development from the body of the parent of buds which, after unfolding into the parental form, separate and lead independent lives.