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Sospite nunc patria, fracto nunc funeris antro, Mors ubi dira fuit vita salusque patent. I WAS sick sick unto death with that long agony; and when they at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The sentence the dread sentence of death was the last of distinct accentuation which reached my ears.

Maii, et se fide et sacramento non fracto ibi in unam et simul confœderare, et consolidare sicut conjurati fratres ad defendendum regnum contra alienigenas et contra inimicos, unâ cum domino suo rege, et terras et honores illius omni fidelitate cum eo servare, et quod illi ut domino suo regi intra et extra regnum universum Britanniæ fideles esse volunt LL. Ed. Conf. c. 35.

And then, his heavy fist still reposing on the bundle of documents, he requested the conrector to fold together a sheet of paper and, "fracto margine," to write, in the name of the town council, a letter of citation to the headsman of Zeb, Henry Catsrider, bidding him, as in duty bound, to appear within eight days at the city of Kassa, in order to execute the law's sentences which had been passed that day, copies of which were sent him.

Servadac gazed upon the shattered marble, pensive and disheartened. Count Timascheff laid his hand kindly on the captain's shoulder, and said, "My friend, do you not remember the motto of the old Hope family?" He shook his head mournfully. "Orbe fracto, spes illoesa," continued the count "Though the world be shattered, hope is unimpaired."