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To some men the concisest statement of a subject, with nothing to adorn the naked skeleton of thought, is most forcible. They are even impatient of any attempt to assist its effect by fine writing, by emphasis, tone, or gesture. They are like the mathematician, who read the Paradise Lost without pleasure, because he could not see that it proved any thing.

Dramatis Personae: SMITH CONSCIENCE MEPHISTOPHELES He seats himself at table and opens a Thucydides. A little Thucydides would be a very good thing. Thucydides, as you doubtless know, was a very famous Athenian historian. Date? SMITH: Er um let me see. CONSCIENCE wipes away a tear. CONSCIENCE: Thucydides made himself a thorough master of the concisest of styles.

The foregoing system of the adat, or customs of the country, being digested chiefly for the use of the natives, or of persons well acquainted with their manners in general, and being designed, not for an illustration of the customs, but simply as a standard of right, the fewest and concisest terms possible have been made use of, and many parts must necessarily be obscure to the bulk of readers.

"Who told you? Aunt Prue hasn't told me." "Mother knows. She knew Prue's father. I suspect some of the girls' fathers in your school knew him, too." "I don't know. He was rich once here I know that. Deborah told me where he used to live; it's a handsome house, with handsome grounds, a stable in the rear and an iron fence in front." "I've seen it," said Morris, in his concisest tone. "Mr.

The stormy career of the famous hetman, so dramatic, both from the historic and domestic point of view from that adventure with the pan Falbowski, so naively related by Pasek, down to the romance with Matrena Kotchoubey, which colored the last and tragic incidents of his existence is so well known that I will not narrate it here, even in the concisest form.

This we shall now relate in the clearest and concisest manner that the thing will allow; being well furnished for that purpose, having to personal experience added the best intelligence that could be procured, and that, too, from persons the most deserving of credit.

"So with this confidence in my convictions I proceed once more to push them upon your attention." In the Orders and Regulations for Soldiers, perhaps the concisest description of earnest living ever written, he says: