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Afterward he kissed her. And presently Adelais lifted her head, with a mocking little laugh. "Sorrow!" she echoed. "I think there is no sorrow in all the world. Mount, my lord, mount! See where brother Olivier waits for us yonder." "Fortune fuz par clercs jadis nominee, Qui toi, Francois, crie et nomme meurtriere."

"To the Hotel Bouillon!" was the order given, and the coach went thundering through the gates toward the Quai Malaquais. It was stared at, precisely as before, when Eugene and his mother had attempted to join the royal cortege at the Pre aux Clercs.

It was not until the hour of vespers that the mass of the French host was marshalled in front of the village of Estrées on the eastward plateau beyond the Vallée aux Clercs. John of Hainault, who had become a thorough-going French partisan, advised Philip to delay battle until the following day.

"Well you will both have an opportunity of exhibiting your powers to-day in the Pre aux Clercs, and I only hope that the court will be there to witness it." "Philip will not fail, your highness, nor I either." "Thank you. There may be an affray, and perchance a blow or two in store for you; but I will reward you handsomely. But what is this?