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I'm no denyin' a word 'at Johnny Bykes says. I never hard the cratur ca'd a leear. He's but a cantankerous argle barglous body no fit to be a gatekeeper 'cep it was up upo' the Binn side, whaur 'maist naebody gangs oot or in. He wad maybe be safter hertit till a fellow cratur syne." "Would you have him let in all the tramps in the country?" said the marquis.

No one about the premises except Bykes would have been capable of harbouring suspicion of Malcolm; and the head gamekeeper had not the slightest; but, knowing that his lordship found little enough to amuse him, and anticipating some laughter from the confronting of two such opposite characters, he had gone to the marquis with Byke's report, and this was the result.

Leading him back to his chair, Malcolm told him as much as he knew of the matter. "Ton't you co for a warrant," said Duncan. "If my lort marquis will pe senting for you as one chentleman sends for another, then you co." Within an hour Bykes reappeared, accompanied by one of the gamekeepers an Englishman. The moment he heard the door open, Duncan caught again at his broadsword.

"Malcolm," said the marquis kindly, "I want you to keep your eyes open, and see that no mischief is done about the place." "I dinna think there's ane o' oor ain fowk wad dee ony mischeef, my lord," answered Malcolm; "but whan ye keep open yett, ye canna be sure wha wins in, specially wi' sic a gowk as Johnny Bykes at ane o' them. No 'at he wad wrang yer lordship a hair, my lord!"

To the satisfaction of Johnny Bykes the exclusion of improper persons was left in the hands of the gatekeepers. The thing had originated with the factor.