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The raven and the crow sat on the topmost bough: they have a large family, and they all said: "brah, brah! caw, caw!" and the majority is always right. There was a great miry pool under the tall trees in the hollow, and here lay the whole herd of swine, great and small they found the place so excellent. "Oui! oui!" said they, for they knew no more French, but that, however, was something.

Śat. Brâh. See also the strange legend Ib. XI. 1. 1 where Vishṇu is described as the best of the gods but is eaten by Indra. IV. and Census of India, 1901, vol. Compare too the worship of Gopi Nath and Zinda Kaliana in the Panjâb as described in Census of India, 1901, vol. The Bhâgavata Purâṇa, I. 3. 24 seems to make the Buddha incarnation future.

Joe squeezed her tighter. "Your father's right." The cabbie pulled in. Joe gave him the address and double the fare. "Keep the change, huh." "Thanks, Brah." Rhiannon rolled down the window and turned her face to him. She held his eyes until the cab turned out into the street. Joe walked up the stairs, feeling heavier with each step. Rhiannon's scent lingered in the apartment.

The roses are gone; the leaves of the trees fall off! it is wet here, and it is cold and raw! The birds that sang here are now silent; the swine live on acorns; the swine are lords in the forest!" They were cold nights, they were gloomy days; but the raven sat on the bough and croaked nevertheless: "brah, brah!"

The latter are read in the light of Nîlakanṭḥa's commentary which is considered by south Indian Pandits to be prior to Śankara. So too the Vishṇu Purâṇa, I. 1 describes itself as equal in sanctity to the Vedas. Śankara on Brah. Ind. Lit. I. pp. 450-483. For the dates see Pargiter Dynasties of the Kali age.