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"Yes, bad luck to his hook nose. 'What are you doing there, my fine fellow? says he. 'What's that you have dragging there behind you? "'A boneen, sir, says I. 'Isn't he a fine crayture? av he wasn't so troublesome. "'Troublesome, troublesome what do you mean? "'Just so, says I. 'Isn't he parsecutiug the life out of me the whole morning, following me about everywhere I go?

For we're ahl jolly fellows wheriver we go Ogedashin, den thashin, na boneen sheen lo!" Potts was called on. No, he couldn't sing, but he could show them a trick or two. And with his grimy euchre-deck he kept his word, showing that he was not the mere handy-man, but the magician of the party.

''Tis our fun they can't forgive us, Nor our wit so sharp and keen; But there's nothing that provokes them Like our wearin' of the green. They thought Poverty would bate us, But we'd sell our last "boneen" And we'll live on cowld paytatees, All for wearin' of the green. Oh, the wearin' of the green the wearin' of the green! 'Tis the colour best becomes us Is the wearin' of the green!

'Quarter, says he, in the richest brogue you'll hear out of Cork 'quarter! you bloody thieves! will you stick a countryman, an' a comrade, ye murtherin' villains, like a boneen in a butcher's shop! He'd have gone on, I dare say, for an hour, but the men had their lances through him before you could say 'knife. As my right-of-threes, himself a Paddy, observed he was discoorsin' the devil in less than five minutes.