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Read "Un Décoré du quinze août," referred to in note to 81 5 81 12 kousskouss au sucre: 'sweetened couscous' caïds 'caids, Mohammedan military chiefs. 81 13 un général Yusuf quelconque81.

DUC DE FERRARE. Alphonso II. of Este, Duke of Ferrara, was the son of Hercules of Ferrara and grandson of Alphonso I. He was a cousin of Henry II. and served in all the military expeditions of this monarch. He was a great favorite at Court and made a great display both in his own country and in Italy, whither he accompanied the French King. His brother was the famous Cardinal d'Este.

The picture which follows is interesting, it is overdrawn, however, since Algeria never was, and certainly is not today, as bad as Daudet paints it. 80 28 Zouzou: military slang for zouave. 81 1 le sergent La Ramée, le brigadier Pitou: popular names for the French soldier, the English "Tommy Atkins." 81 3 su: 'known how, 'been able.

In 1539 he obtained the establishment of Nevers and in 1545 the government of Champagne. His first military expedition was in Piedmont under Marshall Montmorency. In 1551 he was entrusted with the protection of the frontier of Lorraine. He took part in all the campaigns against Charles V. and Philip II., and was one of the most valiant defenders of Metz.

18 32 n'en pouvait supporter: on en cf. note to 8 19. 18 33 lui monta au visage: 'mounted to his face', cf.12 25, 45 8. 19 1 D'un geste: 'with a gesture', cf. note to 51 20. 19 5 ...: Provençal for eh bien! 'Well, but.... 19 8 emboîtant le pas: a military expression, 'marching in lock step'.

55 10 s'en allait: for allait, cf. note to 17 4. 55 13 M'sieu: indicates by the spelling the usual pronunciation of Monsieur. 55 15 Après? 'Well, what have you to say? 55 25 algarade: a word borrowed from the Spanish, the root being Arabic. It was originally a military expression meaning a raid, but now is used more or less jocularly for a wordy attack. Transl. 'dispute.