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These are probably the only editions of the play with which Ticknor was familiar when he made his classification of it, for certainly he could not reconcile it with his definition of "comedies on common life," but he could easily accord it with his definition of "comedias de capa y espada."

It is not yet near day; It is the nightingale and not the lark, That pierc'd the fearful hollow of thine ear; Nightly she sings on yon pomegranate tree; Believe me, love, it was the nightingale. It was the lark, the herald of the morn, No nightingale.

The family of Lope de Vega Carpio was one of high rank, if not noble, and had a manor house in the mountain regions of northwestern Spain. Of his parents we know nothing more than the scanty mention the poet has given them in his works. It would seem that they lived a while at least in Madrid, where the future prince of Spanish dramatists was born, November 25, 1562.

It is believed that domestic disappointments and sorrows hastened greatly his end.

And Spain has to-day a group of vigorous young writers, who give promise of carrying the work forward to an even greater future. Spanish America has done little work of merit in prose fiction, but it has produced much lyric poetry. If we may believe the statements of Juan Valera in his Cartas americanas, the Spanish Americans have written more good verse than have the English Americans.

He did not make the Spanish drama so much as he permitted it to be made in and through him, and by so doing he reconciled all classes to himself; he was as popular with the erudite as he was with the masses, for his plays have a variety, facility, and poetic beauty that won the favor of all.

"Last night," said he, "will mark a great date in history for the Spanish theatre and for liberty. It is a movement of social and political renovation, Spain demands light and liberty; she demands the right to live under modern, European conditions; she is coming to life."

Besides the defenders of these schools there was an infinite variety of lesser lights who wrote all sorts of plays from the grossest farces to the dullest Latin dramas. Before taking up the discussion of the works of the mighty genius who was to establish the popular drama, it is well to give a brief glance at the people who presented plays and the places in which they were given.

Este Monarca conocía el teatro español y lo apreciaba, y, por indicación particular suya, el poeta cómico Crown arregló para la escena inglesa la comedia de Moreto No puede ser..., con el título de Sir Courtly Nice or It cannot be.

The French literature, for instance, is more universal and less national than the Spanish, perhaps by the very force of geographical position. Spain is nearly surrounded by water, and on land it is separated from the rest of Europe, excepting only Portugal, by an almost insurmountable barrier of lofty mountains.