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Updated: August 29, 2024

"When she talked about my being taken to prison for not answering a lawyer's letter, that must be nonsense?" "I suppose that was." "And then she is such a ferocious old termagant, such an old vulturess. Now isn't she a ferocious old termagant?"

She had told Miss Macnulty of her prospects, with some amount of exultation; and the poor dependant, though she knew that she must be turned out into the street, had congratulated her patroness. "The Vulturess will take you in again, when she knows you've nowhere else to go," Lizzie had said, displaying, indeed, some accurate discernment of her aunt's character.

But when the admiral died, Lizzie did not hesitate for a moment in going to the old "vulturess," as she was in the habit of calling the countess in her occasional correspondence with the girls at Bobsborough. The admiral died greatly in debt; so much so that it was a marvel how tradesmen had trusted him. There was literally nothing left for anybody, and Messrs.

Carbuncle, and the Bobsborough people, and Lady Glencora, and that old vulturess, her aunt, the Countess of Linlithgow. It must come now; but she had two days in which she could be quiet and think of her position. She would, she thought, send one of her letters to Lord Fawn before she went to Mr. Camperdown; but which should she send?

The girls asked questions about the Vulturess, as they had heard her called by Lizzie Eustace, and laughed at Lucy to her face when she swore that, after a fashion, she liked the old woman. "You'd like anybody, then," said Nina. "Indeed I don't," said Lucy, thinking at once of Lizzie Eustace. Lady Fawn planned out the next day with great precision.

She had endured Lady Linlithgow for that year between her father's death and her marriage; she was now beginning to dare to hope for the enjoyment of the good things which she had won, and the presence of the dowager-countess, "the vulturess," was certainly not one of these good things. In what her enjoyment was to consist, she had not as yet quite formed a definite conclusion. She liked jewels.

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