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Updated: August 6, 2024

Nought is there under heaven's wide hollownesse That moves more dear compassion of mind, Than beautie brought t'unworthie wretchednesse Through envious snares or fortune's freaks unkinde. * To think how causeless of her own accord This gentle damzell, whom I write upon, Should plonged be in such affliction, Without all hope of comfort or reliefe.

"A most magnificent dinner had Anastasio provided, and the tables were covered under the Pine-trees, where he saw the cruell Lady so pursued and slaine: directing the guests so in their seating, that the yong Gentlewoman his unkinde Mistresse, sate with her face opposite unto the place, where the dismall spectacle was to be seen.

For now she could call to mind, how unkinde and cruell she had shewne her selfe to Anastasio, even as the other Gentlewoman formerly did to her Lover, still flying from him in great contempt and scorne: for which, she thought the Blood-hounds also pursued her at the heeles already, and a sword of vengeance to mangle her body.

"Then there are some pretty ones of Will Shakespere's." "This is what I like," began Primrose. "Tell me not, sweet, I am unkinde." She sang it with deep and true feeling, Lovelace's immortal song. And she moved them all by her rendering of the last two lines in her proud young voice "I could not love thee, dear, so much, Loved I not honor more."

The incident of Pyrocles heading the Zelots has been thought to have suggested the scene in the Two Gentlemen of Verona in which Valentine consents to lead the robber band, while to Sidney Shakespeare was likewise indebted, not only for the cowards' fight in Twelfth Night, but in the 'story of the Paphlagonian unkinde king, for the original of the Gloster episode in King Lear.

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