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The family took the Boston "Weekly Congregationalist" and the Bedford "Weekly Standard." In the household there was a bookcase of nearly a hundred volumes. It was the most complete library in town, with the exception of that of the minister. The house where H. H. Rogers was born still stands. Its frame was made in Sixteen Hundred Ninety mortised, tenoned and pinned.

Some few feet below this another horizontal piece is tenoned into the uprights, having a little post in the centre helping to support the upper lintel." These erections occasionally occur in front of a Buddhist temple, when they are built of stone, exactly imitating, however, the wooden originals.

It was his first great exaltation, and there was a sacredness about it which kept him from telling anybody.... And now all the structures of the great Scripture were tenoned in his brain; so that he knew the frame of every part, but the inner meanings of more and more marvellous dimension seemed inexhaustible.

I hewed the main timbers six inches square, most of the studs on two sides only, and the rafters and floor timbers on one side, leaving the rest of the bark on, so that they were just as straight and much stronger than sawed ones. Each stick was carefully mortised or tenoned by its stump, for I had borrowed other tools by this time.

Charles Eastlake in "Hints on Household Taste." He says: "The joints are properly 'tenoned' and pinned together in such a manner as to ensure its constant stability. The back is formed like that of a chair, with a horizontal rail only at its upper edge, but it receives additional strength from the second rail, which is introduced at the back of the seat."

Having adjusted each in its due position, I adzed the upper faces and cut a series of mortices for the studs, which were obtained in the bush mere thin, straight, dry trees which had succumbed to bush fires. Each was roughly squared with the adze and planed and tenoned. Good fortune presented, greatly to the easement of labour, two splendid pieces of driftwood for posts for one of the doors.

The ripping off of the shelter that has kept out a thousand storms, the tearing off of the once ornamental woodwork, the wrench of the inexorable crowbar, the murderous blows of the axe, the progressive ruin, which ends by rending all the joints asunder and flinging the tenoned and mortised timbers into heaps that will be sawed and split to warm some new habitation as firewood, what a brutal act of destruction it seems!

Each stick was carefully mortised or tenoned by its stump, for I had borrowed other tools by this time.

His heart knew no limits, and feeling his feet mortised in granite and his footsteps tenoned in infinity he knew the amplitude of time. Only the great are generous; only the strong are forgiving.

The ripping off of the shelter that has kept out a thousand storms, the tearing off of the once ornamental woodwork, the wrench of the inexorable crowbar, the murderous blows of the axe, the progressive ruin, which ends by rending all the joints asunder and flinging the tenoned and mortised timbers into heaps that will be sawed and split to warm some new habitation as firewood, what a brutal act of destruction it seems!