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Woodville's Med. Bot. p. 76. Similar Plants. Sonchus arvensis; Lactuca Scariola. LAVANDULA Spica. LAVENDER. Flowers. L. D. Lavender has been an officinal plant for a considerable time, though we have no certain accounts of it given by the ancients.

The winds blow in the same direction, and at the same periods: the Euphorbia mauritanica, the Atropa frutescens, and the arborescent Sonchus, vegetate there in the loose sands, and afford, as in Africa, food for camels. The western group of the Canaries presents a more elevated soil, is more woody, and is watered by a greater number of springs. Link discovered in Portugal.

Many curious names have resulted from the prefix pig, as in Sussex, where the bird's-foot trefoil is known as pig's-pettitoes; and in Devonshire the fruit of the dog-rose is pig's-noses. The common cyclamen is sow-head, and a popular name for the Sonchus oleraceus is sow-thistle.

We took four camels with us, three being the same animals which Alec and I took when we found the Boundary Dam. Leaving the depot, we went up the most easterly of the creeks that came in at the Grand Junction. In its channel I saw some of the milk or sow-thistle plant growing the Sonchus oleraceus. I have met this plant in only four places during my explorations.

Atriplex forms, when young, as we gratefully experienced, an excellent vegetable, as do also the young shoots of Sonchus. The tops of the Corypha palm eat well, either baked in hot ashes or raw, and, although very indigestible, did not prove injurious to health when eaten in small quantities.

A species of Hypochaeris and of Sonchus, were greedily eaten by our horses; the large Xeranthemum grew on the slopes, among high tufts of kangaroo grass.

Hence the Horologe or Watch of Flora is formed from numerous plants, of which the following are those most common in this country. Leontodon taraxacum, Dandelion, opens at 5 6, closes at 8 9. Hieracium pilosella, mouse-ear hawkweed, opens at 8, closes at 2. Sonchus lævis, smooth Sow-thistle, at 5 and at 11 12. Lactuca sativa, cultivated Lettice, at 7 and jo.