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Schick then constructed the models shown to us, and explained by Mrs. Schoenecke. We were also shown a model of the tabernacle used while Israel was marching to the promised land. The Wailing Place is a rectangle one hundred feet long by fifteen feet wide on the outside of the Temple Area, on the western side, where the wall is about sixty feet high.

See the illustrations in Perrot and Chiplez, History of Art in Chaldea, etc., i. 143, 255. See the illustrations in Perrot and Chiplez, ib., i. 194, 256, 257. On seal cylinders altar titles are frequently represented. See Schick, Die Stiftshütte, etc., pp. 119 seq. Keils Bibl. 3, 1, p. 13; see also p. 89. Inscription G, col 1. ll. 15-17. See p. 621.

De Sarzec, Découvertes en Chaldée, pls. 24, 25 bis, etc. See p. 537. De Sarzec, Découvertes en Chaldée, pls. 4, 4 bis and 43 bis. On the latter, bulls, lions, and eagle in combination. See p. 653. See the plan in Schick, Die Stiftshütte, pl. 5. Herodotus, book i. sec. 183, speaks of two altars outside of the temple of Marduk in Babylon.

This sudden Russification of the Jews amounted sometimes to no more than a superficial imitation of Russian civilization, which pious rabbis as well as liberal-minded men like Schick, Margolioth, Ilye, and Hurwitz, felt impelled to call a halt to. Jews, especially the rich, aped the Polish pans.

Schick could gather from the Bible, Josephus, the Talmud, and his personal observations during the time the Palestine Exploration Fund was at work, he constructed large models of the ancient temples that stood on Mount Moriah from the days of Solomon to the time of Herod and Christ. I was told that the original models were sold to an American college for five thousand dollars. Mr.