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Horae quidem cedunt et dies et menses et anni, nec praeteritum tempus umquam revertitur nec quid sequatur sciri potest.

He stooped and picked up a handful of earth, and scattered it over the coffin crosswise. Then, in a voice so steady and clear that not a syllable was lost, he said: 'Revertitur in terrain suam unde erat, et spiritus redit ad Deum qui dedit illum. A shudder ran through those who were present.

Nothing troubled him but the memory of what had passed, and an abject fear of its return. "Gallo canente, spes redit, Aegris salus refunditur, Lapsis fides revertitur," as they sang of old in Portugal in the Morning Office. But to him that good hour of cockcrow, and the changes of the dawn, had brought panic, and lasting doubt, and such terror as he still shook to think of.

And the line became clear again, showing like a simple ink stroke across the horizon; while far away other whistles called and wailed unceasingly, shrill with anger, hoarse with suffering, or husky with distress. Then a guard's horn resounded lugubriously. 'Revertitur in terram suam unde erat, recited the priest, who had opened a book and was making haste.

Nothing troubled him but the memory of what had passed, and an abject fear of its return. "Gallo canente, spes redit, Aegris salus refunditur, Lapsis fides revertitur," as they sang of old in Portugal in the Morning Office. But to him that good hour of cockcrow, and the changes of the dawn, had brought panic, and lasting doubt, and such terror as he still shook to think of.