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Stem similar to the last, but usually proliferous at the base; tubercles angular, short, woolly in the axils, and bearing four rigid, short, reddish-brown spines on the apex. Flowers pale rose, with a line of purple down the middle of each petal; they are developed near the top of the stem, in May. Native country, Mexico. This plant thrives if treated as recommended for M. pusilla.

Stem 4 in. high by 3 in. in diameter, proliferous at the base; tubercles short, four-angled, crowded in spiral rows, woolly at the base, bearing each five or six radiating hair-like spines on the apex, and one central erect one, none more than ¼ in. long. Flowers erect, on top of stem, with recurved, pale yellow petals, 1 in., long; they are produced in May and June.

It is a slow grower, and requires careful attention in winter, when sometimes the roots all perish and the base of the stem rots. Stem simple when young, proliferous at the sides when old, the young plants developing from the apices of the tubercles, and not in the axils, as is usual.

A prostrate, branching-stemmed, small-growing kind, very proliferous, with roots along the main stems; branchlets upright, five-angled, with slightly raised points, or tubercles, upon which are ten short hair-like spines, arranged in a star, and surrounding three or four central erect spines, all whitish and transparent.

The trunk of this tree is a simple branching diffused stem and not proliferous as the pines & firs usially are but like most other trees it puts forth buds from the sides of the small boughs as well as their extremities. the stem usually terminates in a very slender pointed top like the cedar.

It was not one of the destructive proliferous rats of the northern hemisphere. The Maoris hunted the big birds the Moas and others for their flesh, and ate their eggs, and it is probable that they caused or accelerated the extinction of the Moa and two or three other birds. In the north island they nearly exterminated the white heron, the plumes being valued by them.

No. 3 a Species of fir, which one of my men inform me is presisely the Same with that called the balsam fir of Canada. it grows here to considerable Size, being from 21/2 to 4 feet in diameeter and rises to the hight of 100 or 120 feet. it's Stem is Simple branching assending and proliferous-. it's leaves are cessile, acerose, 1/8 of an inch in length and 1/16 of an inch in width, thickly scattered on all Sides of the twigs as far as the groth of four proceeding years, and respects the three undersides only, the upper Side being neglected and the under Side but thinly furnished; gibbous a little declineing, obtusely pointed, Soft flexable, and the upper disk longitudinally marked with a Slight Channel; this disk is of a glossy deep green, the under one green tho paler and not glossy.

Stems simple, sometimes proliferous at the base, globose when young, afterwards almost cylinder or pear-shaped, 5 in. high, 2 in. in diameter; tubercles ½ in. long, arranged in twelve spiral rows, slightly woolly in axils. Spines radiating, in two rows, about fifty on each tubercle, the three or four central ones being hooked at the tips or sometimes straight; length, ½ in. to in.

Portulaca hortensis, garden Purilain, at 9 10, and at 11 12. Dianthus prolifer, proliferous Pink, at 8 and at 1. Cichoreum, Succory, at 4 5. Hypochiaeris, at 6 7, and at 4 5. Crepis at 4 5, and at 10 II. Picris, at 4 5, and at 12. Calendula field, at 9, and at 3. Calendula African, at 7, and at 3 4.

Long filaments of grasses, the cause of bad seed-wheat Chinese hemp grew in England above 14 feet in five months Roots of snow-drop and hyacinth insipid like orchis Orchis will ripen its seeds if the new bulb be cut off Proliferous flowers The wax on the candle-berry myrtle said to be made by insects