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Their stature is in general tall, their limbs muscular, their face masculine, their voice deep, and their deportment bold and manly in a word, they completely justify the words of Martial: "Mentiturque virum prodigiosa Venus." In the case of man's impotency it often happens, on the contrary, that, with organs to all appearance perfectly formed, he is, nevertheless, impotent.

In the literature of the past centuries the predominance of the interest in the curious is exemplified in the almost ludicrously monotonous iteration of titles, in which the conspicuous words are curiosa, rara, monstruosa, memorabilia, prodigiosa, selecta, exotica, miraculi, lusibus naturae, occultis naturae, etc., etc.

He commends her in Hades to his own father and mother gone before him, that the child may not be frightened in the dark, friendless among the shades "Parvula ne nigras horrescat Erotion umbras Oraque Tartarei prodigiosa canis." There is a kind of playfulness in the sorrow, and the pity of a man for a child; pity that shows itself in a smile.

It is good to be born in a very depraved age; for so, in comparison of others, you shall be reputed virtuous good cheap; he who in our days is but a parricide and a sacrilegious person is an honest man and a man of honour: "Nunc, si depositum non inficiatur amicus, Si reddat veterem cum tota aerugine follem, Prodigiosa fides, et Tuscis digna libellis, Quaeque coronata lustrari debeat agna:"

Questa fu la prodigiosa origine della Chiesa di San Pietro, che poscia, o rinovata, o ristaurata, da Orso Participazio IV Vescovo Olivolense, divenne la Cattedrale della Nuova citta." Peter, I think, to tell us. The title of Bishop of Castello was first taken in 1091: St. Mark's was not made the cathedral church till 1807.