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Updated: August 8, 2024

It still held a sombre quietude; the murder had not been discovered. He had mapped this route out carefully in the day and knew just how to avoid the patrolling guards, and he was back in the narrow chouk of the town that was a struggling stream of swaggering Pindaris, and darker skinned Marwari bunnias and shopkeepers.

Seize every servant that is within and bind him; let none escape." He swept a hand out toward the Pindaris in the street that were like a pack of wolves: "Up the hill surround the palace! and guard every window and rat-run!" The guard saluted, venturing: "Commander, none could have entered from outside to do the foul deed."

"The Chief of the Pindaris, after the habit of Moslems, is one whose heart softens toward a woman who is beautiful and is pleasing to his eye." "Ancient history," Nana Sahib commented in English, "and not confined to Musselmen." "Speak on," the Dewan commanded curtly.

He continued: "We had talk on the road about the Pindaris; what did they who whisper in the dark say?" "That the chief, Amir Khan, has gathered an army, and they fear that because of an English bribe he will attack the Mahrattas; so the Dewan has brought men from Karowlee to go into the camp of the Pindaris in disguise and slay the chief for a reward."

It relates to the woman who has done us all a service, which but shows what a perception Amir Khan had; a glance and he knew a man for what he was. Therein was his power over the Pindaris. And it seems, which is rarer, that he knew what was in the heart of a woman, for the Gulab is one to rouse in a man desire.

"They won't go," Baptiste declared. "When a man is afraid of anything he can find a thousand reasons for not making the endeavour. If Sindhia will give me the troops I will make an end of Amir Khan." "And make enemies of the Pindaris: that we do not want; we want them to fight with us, not against us.

Half-a-dozen Pindaris darted forward, and poised in waiting for the command to bind to the fingers of the Bagree oil-soaked torches; but Kassim moved them back, and stood, his brow wrinkled in pondering, his black eyes sullenly fixed on the face of the Bagree.

Lord Moira, created Marquis of Hastings in 1816, was at last free to hunt down the Pindárís, with the sullen acquiescence of the Maráthá governments, and he executed his task with extraordinary vigour.

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