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Updated: August 1, 2024

The thrush, the lark, all leave our mimic vale, No more we boast our Christmas nightingale; Poor Rossignol the wonder of his day, Sung through the winter but is mute in May. Then bashful spring, that gilds fair nature's scene, O'ercasts our lawns, and deadens every green; Obscures our sky, embrowns the wooden shade, And dries the channel of each tin cascade!

As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole: O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain's head: Then shine the vales the rocks in prospect rise, A flood of glory bursts from all the skies; The conscious swains, rejoicing in the sight, Eye the blue vault, and bless the useful light.

"All is hushed," said Angelina "ever tranquil be her slumbers! Yet I must waken her her surprise and joy at seeing me thus will be so great! by moonlight too!" She knocked at the cottage window still no answer. "All silent as night!" said she "'When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene."

As when in stillness of the silent night, As when the moon in all her lustre bright, As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's clear azure sheds her silver light; pure spreads sacred As still in air the trembling lustre stood, And o'er its golden border shoots a flood; When no loose gale disturbs the deep serene, not a breath And no dim cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene; not a Around her silver throne the planets glow, And stars unnumbered trembling beams bestow; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole: Clear gleams of light o'er the dark trees are seen, o'er the dark trees a yellow sheds O'er the dark trees a yellower green they shed, gleam verdure And tip with silver all the mountain heads forest And tip with silver every mountain's head.

As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er Heaven's clear azure spreads her sacred light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole, O'er the dark trees a yellower verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain's head.

As when the moon, refulgent lamp of night, O'er heaven's blue azure spreads her sacred light, When not a breath disturbs the deep serene, And not a cloud o'ercasts the solemn scene; Around her throne the vivid planets roll, And stars unnumbered gild the glowing pole, O'er the dark trees a yellow verdure shed, And tip with silver every mountain head; Then shine the vales, the rocks in prospect rise, A flood of glory bursts from all the skies; The conscious swains, rejoicing in the sight, Eye the blue vault, and bless the useful light; So many fires before proud Ilion blaze, And lighten glimmering Xanthus with their rays.

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