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Updated: August 20, 2024

Something of all this must have made itself felt on the mountain, for one day Teague Poteet pushed his wide-brimmed wool hat from over his eyes, with an air of astonishment. Puss had just touched upon a very important matter. "I reckon in reason," she said, "we oughter pack Sis off to school some'rs. She'll thes nat'ally spile here."

Hit ain't bin no time, skacely, sence de supper-bell rung, en ef you go on dis a-way, you'll des nat'ally pe'sh yo'se'f out." "Oh, I wasn't hungry," said the little boy. "I had something before supper, and I wasn't hungry anyway."

The bail of a bubbling pot slipped down the bar that held it, and the vessel clattered upon the hearth. She started as if a gun had exploded at her elbow. "Y-a-a-as," drawled Lancaster, reflectively, gnawing the while at a fresh slab of tobacco, "we jes' nat'ally mavericked this claim." A fortnight had passed since his return from the land-office.

After which One-Eye recovered the breakfast an egg sandwich and a banana and proceeded to lay down the law. "With that hurt arm o' your'n, sonny," he began, "it's back to home, sweet home. And if that feller, Tom, licks y', w'y, I'll jes' nat'ally lick him." "You couldn't lick him," informed Johnnie, turning his sandwich about in search for a location thin enough to admit of a first bite.

"There is one named Neale, is n't there?" "I I reckon so." "How do you know?" "Wal," feeling it useless to struggle against the argument presented by the blue steel barrel, "Hell, all I know is a fellow com' 'long yere a while back with a paper signed Neale, thinkin' ter take my job." "What happened to him?" "Oh, he just nat'ally got kicked out inter the road, an' I reckon he 's a running yet.

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