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The gnomon, discovered by me in December, last year, in the ruined city of Mayapan, would tend to prove that the learned men of Mayab were not only close observers of the march of the celestial bodies and good mathematicians; but that their attainments in astronomy were not inferior to those of their brethren of Chaldea.

I need not speak of the similarity of many religious rites and beliefs existing in Hindostan and among the inhabitants of Mayab. What to think, effectively, of the types of the personages whose portraits are carved on the obelisks of Copan? Who would not take them to be pure aborigines if they were seen in Yucatan instead of Madras, Elephanta and other places of India.

This worship of their heroes they undoubtedly carried, with other customs, to the countries where they emigrated; and, in due course of time, established it among their inhabitants, who came to forget that MAYAB was a locality, converted it in to a personalty: and as some of their gods came from it, Maya was considered as the Mother of the Gods, as we see in Hindostan and Greece.

In the sculpture he is pictured surrounded by the Sun as his protecting spirit. The escutcheon of Uxmal shows that he called the place he governed the land of the Sun. In the bas-reliefs of the Queen’s chamber at Chichen his followers are seen to render homage to the Sun; others, the friends of MOÓ, to the Serpent. So, in Mayab as in Egypt, the Sun and Serpent were inimical.

The suffix Khel simply signifies tribe, or clan. So similar to the Maya vocable Kaan, a tie, a rope; hence a clan: a number of people held together by the tie of parentage. AKA-KHEL in the same manner would be the tribe of the reservoir, or pond. AKAL is the Maya name for the artificial reservoirs, or ponds in which the ancient inhabitants of Mayab collected rain water for the time of drought.

The wives and daughters of the Egyptian kings and noblemen considered it an honor to assist in the temples and religious ceremonies: one of their principal duties being to play the sistrum. As in Egypt, the kings and heroes were worshiped in Mayab after their death; temples and pyramids being raised to their memory.

It is a FACT, and one that may not be altogether devoid of significance, that this number SEVEN seems to have been the mystic number of many of the nations of antiquity. If we look back through the vista of ages to the dawn of civilized life in the countries known as the old world, we find this number SEVEN among the Asiatic nations as well as in Egypt and Mayab.

In Egypt again this enmity was a myth, in Mayab a reality. AROERIS was the brother of Osiris, Isis and Typho. His business seems to have been that of a peace-maker. CAY was also the brother of Chaacmol, Moó and Aac.