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That incident stopped the burglaries for a time, and the guards were reduced accordingly, and the regiment devoted itself to polo with unexpected results; for it beat by two goals to one that very terrible polo corps the Lushkar Light Horse, though the latter had four ponies apiece for a short hour's fight, as well as a native officer who played like a lambent flame across the ground.

The man in the chair threw up his head and stared at the mess. "Oh, my God!" he said, and every soul in the mess rose to his feet. Then the Lushkar captain did a deed for which he ought to have been given the Victoria Cross distinguished gallantry in a fight against overwhelming curiosity.

They gave a dinner to celebrate the event. The Lushkar team came, and Dirkovitch came, in the fullest full uniform of a Cossack officer, which is as full as a dressing-gown, and was introduced to the Lushkars, and opened his eyes as he regarded.

Immediately after the little silence that follows on the ceremony there entered the native officer who had played for the Lushkar team. He could not of course eat with the alien, but he came in at dessert, all six feet of him, with the blue-and-silver turban atop, and the big black top-boots below.

He was fraternising effusively with the captain of the Lushkar team, who was wondering how many of Dirkovitch's Cossacks his own dark wiry down- countrymen could account for in a fair charge. But one does not speak of these things openly.

Then the Lushkar captain did a deed for which he ought to have been given the Victoria Cross distinguished gallantry in a fight against overwhelming curiosity. He picked up his team with his eyes as the hostess picks up the ladies at the opportune moment, and pausing only by the colonel's chair to say, "This isn't our affair, you know, sir," led the team into the veranda and the gardens.

Then they gave a dinner to celebrate the event. The Lushkar team came, and Dirkovitch came, in the fullest full uniform of Cossack officer, which is as full as a dressing-gown, and was introduced to the Lushkars, and opened his eyes as he regarded them.

The servants, in spotless white muslin and the crest of their regiments on the brow of their turbans, waited behind their masters, who were clad in the scarlet and gold of the White Hussars and the cream and silver of the Lushkar Light Horse. Dirkovitch's dull green uniform was the only dark spot at the board, but his big onyx eyes made up for it.

Ow!" "Now where the dickens did you get that knowledge, Hira Singh?" said the captain of the Lushkar team. "Hear him!" said Hira Singh, simply, pointing at the crumpled figure that wept as though it would never cease. "He said, 'My God!" said Little Mildred, "I heard him say it." The colonel and the mess room looked at the man in silence. It is a horrible thing to hear a man cry.

'Now where the dickens did you get that knowledge, Hira Singh? said the captain of the Lushkar team. 'Hear him! said Hira Singh simply, pointing at the crumpled figure that wept as though it would never cease. 'He said, "My God!" said little Mildred. 'I heard him say it. The colonel and the mess-room looked at the man in silence. It is a horrible thing to hear a man cry.