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Updated: August 12, 2024

There was a rustle in the lilac-bushes near the cedar-tree; the three small heads turned simultaneously in that direction; something terrific was evidently seen, and with a horrified "OOOH!" the trio skedaddled headlong. They were but the gay vanguard of the life which the street, quite dead through the Sunday dinner-hour, presently took on.

A light mist was wreathed about the tops of the old lilac-bushes, where it glimmered so indistinctly that it seemed as if one might dispel it by a breath; and farther away the soft evening colours had settled over the great fields, beyond which a clear yellow line was just visible above the distant woods.

As for the garden, originally but a small one, it had now been reduced to a kind of gravelled yard by the erection of the large workshop at one end of it. Of the former greenery, however, there still remained two huge plum-trees with old knotted trunks, as well as a big clump of lilac-bushes, which every spring were covered with bloom.

"You haven't told me why you were there." "Because I was silly," she said emphatically. "Do silly people always hide in blackberry vines?" he questioned, laughing. "Silly people like me," she said. At that moment they stopped in front of the gate of Marjorie's home; through the lilac-bushes the old fence was overgrown with lilacs Hollis discerned some bright thing glimmering on the piazza.

First came the narrow passage which ran through the ground-floor, affording a view of all Paris at the further end. Next there was the garden, reduced to a couple of plum-trees and a clump of lilac-bushes, the leaves of which had now sprouted. And this time the priest perceived three bicycles leaning against the trees.

How good and dear our plain, two-story dwelling-house looked to us as we came in sight of it, and what sweet odors stole out to meet us from the white-fenced inclosure of our small garden, from peach-trees and lilac-bushes in bloom, from bergamot and balm and beds of camomile!

As for the garden, originally but a small one, it had now been reduced to a kind of gravelled yard by the erection of the large workshop at one end of it. Of the former greenery, however, there still remained two huge plum-trees with old knotted trunks, as well as a big clump of lilac-bushes, which every spring were covered with bloom.

There were swarms of sparrows in the lilac-bushes, which threw their tender, fragrant blossoms straight in one's face. Wherever one turned, from every direction came the note of the golden oriole and the shrill cry of the hoopoe and the red-legged falcon.

Or it might be, rather, that they were in the tufted masses of the great lilac-bushes of the park of the Bishop, whose strong perfume made her almost ill.

"And then my nets will be of no use at all; and, I have worked so hard at them!" The lilac-bushes were not yet in leaf only some tiny green shoots. "We shall not have any lilac this year till the middle of May. Was there ever such a season?"

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