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Turning to the Old World, the males of Hylobates hoolock are always black, with the exception of a white band over the brows; the females vary from whity-brown to a dark tint mixed with black, but are never wholly black. On Mycetes, Rengger, ibid. s. 14; and Brehm, 'Thierleben, B. i. s. 96, 107. On Ateles Desmarest, 'Mammalogie, p. 75. On Hylobates, Blyth, 'Land and Water, 1867, p. 135.

Honey-buzzard of India, variation in the crest of. Honey-sucker, females and young of. Honey-suckers, moulting of the; Australian, nidification of. Honour, law of. Hooker, Dr., forbearance of elephant to his keeper; on the colour of the beard in man. Hookham, Mr., on mental concepts in animals. Hoolock Gibbon, nose of. Hoopoe, sounds produced by male. Hoplopterus armatus, wing-spurs of.

Hylobates agilis, hair on the arms of; musical voice of the; superciliary ridge of; voice of. Hylobates hoolock, sexual difference of colour in. Hylobates lar, hair on the arms of; female less hairy. Hylobates leuciscus, song of. Hylobates syndactylus, laryngeal sac of. Hylophila prasinana.

In man the nose is much more prominent than in most monkeys; but we may trace the commencement of an aquiline curvature in the nose of the Hoolock Gibbon; and this in the Semnopithecus nasica is carried to a ridiculous extreme. The faces of many monkeys are ornamented with beards, whiskers, or moustaches. Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire, 'Hist. Nat.

Gerland, Dr., on the prevalence of infanticide; on the extinction of races. Gervais, P., on the hairiness of the gorilla; on the mandrill. Gesture-language. Ghost-moth, sexual difference of colour in the. Giard, M., disputes descent of vertebrates from Ascidians; colour of sponges and Ascidians; musky odour of Sphinx. Gibbon, voice of. Gibbon, Hoolock, nose of.