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And on and on they walked in that strange, miserable silence, past all those benches and couples, out on the river-path by the fields, where the scent of hay-stacks, and the freshness from the early stubbles and the grasses webbed with dew, overpowered the faint reek of the river mud. And still on and on in the moonlight that haunted through the willows.

It was noted for its fertility; a land of wheat and wine, hop-fields, flax-fields, hay-stacks, and orchards. It had been three hundred and seventy years under French rule, yet the people were still, in speech and traditions, German. Those were not the times to make them French.

Residences for the Governor Parell Its Gardens Profusion of Roses Receptions at Government-house The evening-parties The grounds and gardens of Parell inferior to those at Barrackpore The Duke of Wellington partial to Parell Anecdotes of his Grace in India Sir James Mackintosh His forgetfulness of India The Horticultural Society Malabar Point, a retreat in the hot weather The Sea-view beautiful The nuisance of fish Serious effects at Bombay of the stoppage of the trade with China Ill-condition of the poorer classes of Natives Frequency of Fires Houses of the Parsees Parsee Women Masculine air of the other Native Females of the lower orders who appear in public Bangle-shops Liqueur-shops Drunkenness amongst Natives not uncommon here, from the temptations held out The Sailors' Home Arabs, Greeks, Chinamen The latter few and shabby Portuguese Padres Superiority of the Native Town of Bombay over that of Calcutta Statue of Lord Cornwallis Bullock-carriages High price and inferiority of horses in Bombay Hay-stacks Novel mode of stacking.

Thus he follows step by step the modifications of the atmosphere until nightfall, and finishes simultaneously the works of the whole series. He has painted a hay-stack in a field twenty times over, and the twenty hay-stacks are all different. He exhibits them together, and one can follow, led by the magic of his brush, the history of light playing upon one and the same object.

Even roses are vulgarised, if that be possible, by production in the almost obtrusively handsome variety known as the "American Beauty," and by being heaped up like hay-stacks in the reception rooms. At a recent fashionable marriage in New York no fewer than 20,000 sprays of lily of the valley are reported to have been used.