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You parliament gentlemen must hauve a vaust deal of trouble on your haunds very foine property I understaund yours is, sir. Sir, allow me to drink the health of your good lady!" "I thank you, Mr. , Mr. , what did you say your name was? I beg you a thousand pardons." "No offaunce in the least, sir; no ceremony with me this is perticler good madeira!" "May I ask how I can serve you?" said Mr.

They looked hard at me as I walked down the central line, but they were not anyway uncivil. "What time is 't, maister?" asked a middle-aged man, with gray hair, as he wiped his forehead. "Hauve- past ten," said I. "What time says he?" inquired a feeble young fellow, who was resting upon his barrow. "Hauve-past ten, he says," replied the other.

For my pawt, I think servants hauve the longest pair of ears of auny persons, not excepting jauckasses; their ears stretch from the pauntry to the parlour. Hush, sir! perticler good madeira, this!" "Sir!" said Mr. Beaufort, struggling to preserve, or rather recover, his temper, "your conduct is exceedingly strange; but allow me to say that you are wholly misinformed.

For my pawt, I think servants hauve the longest pair of ears of auny persons, not excepting jauckasses; their ears stretch from the pauntry to the parlour. Hush, sir! perticler good madeira, this!" "Sir!" said Mr. Beaufort, struggling to preserve, or rather recover, his temper, "your conduct is exceedingly strange; but allow me to say that you are wholly misinformed.

You parliament gentlemen must hauve a vaust deal of trouble on your haunds very foine property I understaund yours is, sir. Sir, allow me to drink the health of your good lady!" "I thank you, Mr. , Mr. , what did you say your name was? I beg you a thousand pardons." "No offaunce in the least, sir; no ceremony with me this is perticler good madeira!" "May I ask how I can serve you?" said Mr.

Col. G. What story have you to tell the police then? They'll want to know. Th. Story saysto? The dule's i' th' mon! Didn't aw seigh th' mon 'at stealed her away goo into this heawse not mich over hauve an hour ago? Aw seigh him wi' mo own eighes. Col. G. Why didn't you speak to him? Th. He poppit in at th' same dur, and there aw've been a-watching ever since. Aw've not took my eighes off ov it.