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Water and sky were devils' brews which boiled, Boiled, shrieked, and glowered; but the ship was saved. Snugged safely down, though fourteen sails were split. Out of the dark a fiercer fury raved. The grey-backs died and mounted, each crest lit With a white toppling gleam that hissed from it And slid, or leaped, or ran with whirls of cloud, Mad with inhuman life that shrieked aloud. Mr.

Presently two other Grey-backs sprang on either side of the horse's head, and with pieces levelled, in tones loud enough for us to hear, demanded his surrender. "'Why, shentlemen Rebels, mein Gott, you no take non compatants, me surgeon, said the Grey-back on the horse, in equally loud voice. "'No, d n you! Dismount! We don't want you.

You can be of more service to the Confederate cause where you are. But we must have the nag. "'Mine private property, he replied, as he dismounted. "'In a horn, said one of the Grey-backs, pointing to the U. S. on the shoulder of the beast. 'That your private mark, eh? "'You no shentlemen.

It makes you think of your comfortable little home, watching them big grey-backs running by your ship, and no hot grub because the galley's flooded. The Wolf was only two days behind us, and we had all the way to go. It was lively, guv'nor. The third night I was in with the cook helping him to get something for the men. They'd been roping her hatches.