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Smith has done, to put a few drawings into the exhibition, or to carve and sell a few statuettes? What if the schoolboy, grown into a gownsman, shall contribute his share to a set of "Arundines Cami" or "Prolusiones Etonienses?" Will any one who really knows what art or education means complain of them for having imitated their models, however servilely?

The fifth act opens with Sciolto's elaborate preparations for vengeance on his daughter. The stage directions for this scene are, Calista is discovered on a couch, in black, her hair hanging loose and disordered. She takes the book from the table, but, finding it the pious prosing of some "lazy, dull, luxurious gownsman," flings it aside.

He told the story of his first appearance as a gownsman in one of his gossiping letters in verse: "A night, a day past o'er the time drew near The morning came I felt a little queer; Came to the push; paid some tremendous fees; Past; and was capped and gowned with marvellous ease.

The Bishop elect was determined to be wherever danger was; and the way in which he exposed himself excited the extreme disgust of his royal patron, who hated a meddler almost as much as a coward. A soldier who ran away from a battle and a gownsman who pushed himself into a battle were the two objects which most strongly excited William's spleen. It was still early in the day.

What earnestness and weightiness, his eye never roving, without one swell of vanity, or one look to self, in any common form of literary pride! a theoretic or speculative man, but whom no practical man in the universe could affect to scorn. Plato is a gownsman; his garment, though of purple, and almost skywoven, is an academic robe, and hinders action with its voluminous folds.

His sarcastic remarks on the hunting, hawking boors, who wished to keep in their own hands the whole business of legislation, called forth some sharp rustic retorts. A plain squire, he was told, was as likely to serve the country well as the most fluent gownsman, who was ready, for a guinea, to prove that black was white.