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Updated: August 25, 2024

Edward Godfrie, who had charge of the fisheries at Mason Manor, shouted with stern authority. It was scarcely daybreak on a May morning in 1632. Six great shallops lay at anchor off the rocks. Five fishing boats were in readiness, while several skiffs were conveying fishermen and equipment for the day's work. Godfrie's own boy, Hugh, and James Williams, regretfully climbed ashore.

The Christian armie of Godfrie of Bouillon passing the citie of Iconium, alias Agogna in the countrey of Licaonia, and from thence by the city of Heraclia, came at length vnto the citie of Marasia, where they encamped, and soiourned there three whole dayes, because of the wife of Balduine brother germane of the duke of Loraigne.

This catch made up for the loss in the day's fishing. Men and boys set to work in the moonlight to clean the fish. They then spread them on the flakes for salting and drying. Godfrie started a good cargo to the English markets, and each of the four boys carried the title of Captain for weeks to come. It was the spring of 1633. Richard and Samuel had watched the distant horizon for many days.

King Edward in reuenge of his daughters death mooued warre against the two brethren, Aulafe and Godfrie, and in battell finallie vanquished them, but was slaine in the same battell himselfe.

The Warwick, an English trading vessel of the Laconia Company, had already gone up the Piscataqua River and on her return would take a cargo of fish back to England. No later catch could be sufficiently salted and dried. "To feed eighty people every day," grumbled Godfrie, "and keep a cargo on hand, can't be done even in these waters."

Then Aulafe or Aualassus, and Godfrie the sonnes of Sithrike, finding out by diligent examination, that Beatrice was of counsell in poisoning hir husband, they caused hir to be apprehended and put to death on this wise.

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