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Gar-r-r-dner," said the lady positively, "I doubt if he has made a bed or washed a dish in twenty years. His place is worse than an Indian camp. I have taught schools among the savages myself, in Government service, and therefore I may speak with authority." "Well, now, ma'am, I reckon that's all true. But you see, if more women come out in here, now, things'd be different.

A woman's real love is for to-day and to-morrow, when with her own eyes and her own hear-r-rt she has chosen honorably, sir-r honor-r-ably! I bid you good evening, Mr. Gar-r-r-dner. I request you never to speak of that incident again!" Nor did he, so far as known.

She had been the only applicant for this school, and perhaps was the only living being who could have contented herself in that capacity in this valley. Wid Gardner pulled at the edge of his broken hat as he stepped down the narrow road to meet her. "'Morning, Mis' Davidson," said he. "Good morning, Mr. Gar-r-r-dner," boomed out the great voice of Mrs. Davidson.

"It is apparently promising us fair weather, sir-r-r." Mrs. Davidson spoke with a certain singular rotund exactness, and hence was held much in awe in all these parts. "Yes, ma'am," said Wid, "it looks like it would rain, but it won't." "Your hay in that case would not flourish so well, Mr. Gar-r-r-dner?" said she. "Without rain, not worth a damn, ma'am, so to speak.