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One day, after the movement I am about to describe had commenced, and when his cavalry was on our extreme left and far to the rear, south, Sheridan rode up to where my headquarters were then established, at Dabney's Mills.

The approaching marriage of this woman of the world with such an unworldly man as Mr. Ellenwood was announced soon after Mrs. Dabney's return to her native city.

I was due in the library to help father in the packing of some of his papers, for I had insisted that he go on to Washington to fulfill his appointment. Martha and the boy would be with me and if he only left me Dabney I could be safe and busy for the winter. Strange to say, Mammy's disappointment at Dabney's loss of a sojourn in a strange clime was greater than his own.

As he spoke, the great jeweled eyes shone with excitement under the dull gold brows and he seemed not to see at all the incriminating ice and bottle. "Could you get into Mrs. Dabney's linen closet? We've got to have something." He shivered in a little wind that blew under the rose vine with a frosty gust.

Dabney's reply was to draw from his pocket a couple of long, strong cords, bits of old fishing-lines.

"A very remarkable woman!" muttered Ford Foster to himself as they drove away. "I must make some more inquiries." "Mother," said Dabney, "you wouldn't let 'em have Ham's house?" "No, indeed; but I don't mean to have our own stand empty." And, with that, a great deal of light began to break in on Dabney's mind. "That's it, is it?" he said to himself, as he touched up the ponies.