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Updated: August 2, 2024

He wore a ragged and much soiled straw hat, a checked shirt without any collar and blue overalls tucked into the tops of his old cowhide boots. "By gum!" gasped Uncle Henry, looking around as if bewildered. "Well, I swan!" gurgled Aunt Em in a hoarse, frightened voice. Then her eyes fell upon Dorothy, and she said: "D-d-d-don't that look like our little girl our Dorothy, Henry?"

"What are they for, then, these churches?" "For religion, I tell you." "What is religion?" "Don't you know?" "No." "Your education has been n-n-neglected." "Tell me what it is!" "D-d-d-don't ask so many questions! It is something for d-d-dead folks." "How dark the building looks." "Like a b-b-barn." "How solemn the people seem." "Like h-h-hoot owls." "It scares me."

"And these th-things aren't any thicker than spider webs." "Wait. I'll build you a great big fire." And he scooped up a number of dead twigs. "P-P-Pierre! D-d-d-don't you d-d-dare c-come in s-sight of m-me." "D-d-damn it! I don't want to see you." "P-Pierre! Aren't you ash-sh-sh-shamed to talk like that?" "Jack, this damned collar won't button." "K-k-eep t-t-t-trying." "Come help me." "Pierre!

Undt ve haff kept alive all deess yearss on a steady diet off hunsuspecting helaffant. So vat chew 'tink 'bout zat?" "N-n-not t-t-too m-m-much," answered Elephant in a high pitched voice. "I-I mean, I d-d-d-don't know wh-what t-to think." "Tell chew vat ve do," said the shark. "Chew seem like nice a guyss. Ve no eat chew tonight. Ve eat chew tomorrow fer break'ast."

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