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Boldheart accorded him but one; and during that one placed William Boozey sentry over him, with a drawn sword, and instructions to accompany him wherever he went, and to run him through the body if he showed a sign of playing false. At the end of the hour the mayor re-appeared more dead than alive, closely waited on by Boozey more alive than dead.

After some murmuring, in which the expressions, 'Ay, ay, sir! 'Union Jack, 'Avast, 'Starboard, 'Port, 'Bowsprit, and similar indications of a mutinous undercurrent, though subdued, were audible, Bill Boozey, captain of the foretop, came out from the rest. His form was that of a giant, but he quailed under the captain's eye. 'What are your wrongs? said the captain. 'Why, d'ye see, Capt.

In this extremity, the gratitude of Boozey, the captain of the foretop, whom our readers may remember, was truly affecting. The loving though lowly William repeatedly requested to be killed, and preserved for the captain's table. We now approach a change of affairs.

The prisoner wept bitterly, and appeared acutely to feel the errors of his past career. The captain then ordered his boat's crew to make ready for a volley, and after firing to re-load quickly. 'And expect a score or two on ye to go head over heels, murmured William Boozey; 'for I'm a-looking at ye. With those words, the derisive though deadly William took a good aim. 'Fire!

Maddening was the excitement when boats were lowered; intense the joy when the captain was seen holding up the drowning man with his teeth; deafening the cheering when both were restored to the main deck of 'The Beauty. And, from the instant of his changing his wet clothes for dry ones, Capt. Boldheart had no such devoted though humble friend as William Boozey.