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Updated: August 25, 2024

But A. is the subject of the next sentence without the repetition of his name, as it would have been repeated, if this sentence referred to another. XXV. Amplexus. Some supply bello, as in 17: bello amplexus. But better: embracing in his plan of operations, i.e. extending his operations to those tribes. Hostilis exercitus. Al. hostili exercitu.

Part of a full-grown compound mass. These fossils, together with numerous species of Zaphrentis, Amplexus, Cyathophyllum, Clisiophyllum, Syringopora, and Michelinia, form a group of rugose corals widely different from any that followed them. Cyathocrinus planus, Miller. Body and arms. Cyathocrinus caryocrinoides, M'Coy. a. Surface of one of the joints of the stem. b.

Post varia studia, quibus ab annis tenerimus fideliter, Neo infeliciter, incubit, Instinctu et impulsu spiritus sancti, monitu et horatu, Regis Jacobi, ordines sacros amplexus, Anno sui Jesu 1614, et fuæ ætatis 42, Decanatu hujus ecclesiæ indutus 27 Novembris 1621, Exutus morte ultimo die Martii 1631. Hic, licet in occiduo cinere, aspicit eum, Cujus nomen est oriens.

In Marmarica vicus fuit Apis, nobilis religione Agypti locus. Fuit et Labyrinthus nullo addito ligno exadificatus, domos mille et regias duodecim perpetuo parietis ambitu amplexus, marmore exstructus et tectus, unum in se descensum habens, intus pene innumerabiles vias, multis ambagibus huc et illuc remeantibus. De incolis Agypti ac Nilo flumine; item de Libya exteriore.

Et terrorem statira intulit Petilius Cerialis, Brigantum civitatem, quae numerosissima provinciae totius perhibetur, aggressus. Multa proelia, et aliquando non incruenta magnamque Brigantum partem aut victoria amplexus est aut bello.

The conjunctive particle "ac," is more particularly to be noted as an out of the way word for the ordinary copulative "et": "ac tamen spatium amplexus"; "ac montium edita"; "ac post multum vulnerum," occurring so frequently in such a brief sentence is just like the monotony of composition in the extract from Bracciolini with respect to "cum": "cum pertinacius in erroribus perseveraret"; "cum venisset ad locum mortis"; "cum lictor ignem post tergum," &c.

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