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Chirol, op. cit., pp 321-322. Bertrand, op. cit., p 39. Cromer, op. cit., Vol. II., p. 231. Ibid., p. 228. E. J. Dillon, "Persia," Contemporary Review, June, 1910. Ramsay Muir, "Europe and the Non-European World," The New Europe, June 28, 1917. For a full discussion of these changes in Western ideas, see my Rising Tide of Colour against White World-Supremacy, especially chaps. vi. and vii.

In a former chapter I have told you how the idea of the Roman Empire continued to live for a thousand years after the death of the last Roman Emperor. It caused the establishment of a large number of "imitation empires." It gave the Bishops of Rome a chance to make themselves the head of the entire church, because they represented the idea of Roman world-supremacy.

Were they to be relations of conflict, each striving to weaken or destroy its rivals in the hope of attaining a final world-supremacy?

Come now, they must drink Home Rule "Justice to Ireland, and the world-supremacy of the British Empire!" that was his toast. They interrupted their sipping of green Chartreuse to drink it in brimming glasses of claret. "We'll drive you to Queen's Gate!" said Alexander, when Piers began to look at his watch. "No hurry, my boy! The night is young!

Though not quite realising this alternative, the mind of Germany was not afraid of it. She was in the mood to make a bold attempt, if need be, to grasp even the sceptre of world-supremacy.