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I will reproduce the contents of this story, as far as it touches our problems, as closely as possible in the words of Mundt, although this story, which is contained in the collection mentioned under the separate title of "Lebensmagie, Wirklichkeit und Traum," hardly possesses an artistic value.

Liebmann, Analysis der Wirklichkeit, 2d ed., pp. 53-59. Besides the theory of knowledge, in the elaboration of which the most eminent naturalists participate with acuteness and success, psychology and the practical disciplines also betray the influence of the scientific spirit.

In his wisdom is no stamen. It is all head and no body, like the pictures of the Goddess Laverna, or, at best, all head and shoulders, like a codfish. But he is a good creature after all. I like him especially for one master stroke of cant, by which he has attained his reputation for ingenuity. Es giebt eine Reihe idealischer Begebenheiten, die der Wirklichkeit parallel lauft.

The text of Bellini's "Nachtwandlerin" could hardly be called literature, nor Theodor Mundt's fabulous novel, "Lebensmagie, Wirklichkeit und Traum." The latter I will mention later in the text. Only in "Maria" and in "Aebelö" however do these themes play an important part, while in the other works mentioned they serve properly only as adornment and episodic ornament.

It has dealt with the presence of an inner world of thought a world of values and judgments of values, of norms, imperatives, and ideals realities which are not presented in any scheme of natural science. It is impossible to read such a great book as the late Professor Otto Liebmann's Analysis der Wirklichkeit without discovering this truth.