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White with passion, Gray was on the point of uttering other angry and provocative words when Seton took his arm in a firm grip. "Gray!" he said sharply. "You leave with me now or I leave alone." The two walked from the room, followed by Whiteleaf. As they disappeared: "Read out all the times mentioned in the last witness's evidence," directed Kerry, undisturbed by the rencontre.

"You say, sir," turning to Quentin Gray, "that this is Sir Lucien Pyne?" "Yes." Inspector Whiteleaf rather clumsily removed his cap. The odor of Seton's cheroot announced itself above the oriental perfume with which the place was laden. "Burton!" "Yes?" "See if this telephone in the office is in order. It appears to be an extension from the outer room."

"God bless you," murmured Irvin, as Kerry assisted him out on to the landing. Inspector Whiteleaf held back the sliding door, the mechanism of which had been broken so that the door now automatically remained half closed.

"She's a woman reputed to be married to a Chinaman. Inspector Whiteleaf, of Vine Street, knows her by sight as one of the night-club birds a sort of mysterious fungus, sir, flowering in the dark and fattening on gilded fools. Unless I'm greatly mistaken, Mrs. Sin is the link between the doped cigarettes and the missing Kazmah." "Does anyone know where she lives?"

"Funny, isn't it," said Gunn, as the two disappeared and Inspector Whiteleaf re-entered, "that a man should be so upset about the disappearance of a woman he was going to divorce?" "Damn funny!" said Whiteleaf, whose temper was badly frayed by contact with Kerry. "I should have a good laugh if I were you."