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Whaling's lamentations over Ray's prospective conviction and his undeniable guilt, and had given the venerable black silk a dusting the very day that Ray was carried off to prison. Then came the electrifying intelligence that Wolf's dying confession had completely exonerated Ray, and both Mrs. Whaling and Mrs. Turner had flown to Mrs.

Such had been old Whaling's career, and, so long as he himself was utterly unpretentious, never claimed to have done any war service, and was content to drift along and draw his pay, nobody would have said much in detraction had it not been for his wife's persistent pushing.

Turner? Not since morning. Why?" "There was a sort of snarl down at the store this morning, Some mention of it was made while we were talking there at Whaling's, and I was anxious to get the particulars. Wilkins was saying something about Ray that worries me. Have you heard nothing?" "Not a thing, Luce. Did you suppose Mrs. Turner was possessed of all the information and would come to me with it?"

What mattered it that her paragons of servants left her one after another and swore they couldn't stay in a house where there was so much spying and fault-finding? There was no shaking Mrs. Whaling's Christian determination to run with patience the race thus set before her. Gleason found in converse with her so much that reminded him of the mother he had lost, alas! so many years ago, and Mrs.

She wisely determined to join the majority; smilingly transferred herself and escort thither, and was as smilingly welcomed. There must have been a dozen in the group officers and ladies when the commanding officer's orderly entered the gate, saluted Mr. Gleason, and said, "Colonel Whaling's compliments, sir, and could you tell him when Lieutenant Ray will be here?"