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There is an instance of this antique treatment in a small Greek picture in the Wallerstein collection. In later pictures, St. Gabriel seldom appears except as the Angela Annunziatore; but St. Michael very frequently.

The bitter way in which you write about my merry and innocent intercourse with your brother's daughter, makes me justly indignant; but as it is not as you think, I require to give you no answer on the subject. I don't know what to say about Wallerstein; I was very grave and reserved with Becke, and at the officers' table also I had a very serious demeanor, not saying one word to anybody.

In a quaint but charming picture in the Wallerstein Collection, an angel is sporting with the Child at his mother's feet is literally his playfellow; and in a picture by Cambiaso, Mary, assisted by an angel, is teaching her Child to walk.

There is such a picture in the Wallerstein Collection at Kensington Palace. The couch or bier is in the centre of the picture, and Mary lies upon it wrapped in a veil and mantle with closed eyes and hands crossed over her bosom. The twelve apostles stand round in attitudes of grief angels attend bearing tapers.

To-morrow we go straight to Wallerstein. My dear little cousin, who sends you her regards, is anything but a prude. She dressed a la Francaise to please me yesterday. She looked at least 5 per cent, prettier in consequence. Now, Addio! On the 26th of October the mother and son set off to Mannheim.

There are a few striking and genuine examples of these ancient Greek Madonnas in the Florentine Gallery, and, nearer at hand, in the Wallerstein collection at Kensington Palace. They much resemble each other in the general treatment.

In strong contrast with the graceful Italian conception, is the German "Coronation," now in the Wallerstein collection. Here the Virgin is crowned by the Trinity.