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He was born of the wild. And now he is gone " The Willow shook her head. "Non, he is not gone," she said, and her dark eyes searched the sunlit meadow. As Nepeese gazed about the rock-walled end of the canyon, the prison into which they had driven Wakayoo and Baree, Pierrot looked up again from his skinning of the big black bear, and he muttered something that no one but himself could have heard.

Now there was something about the bear that took away his fear and gave him in its place a new and thrilling confidence. Wakayoo, big and powerful as he was, would not run from the two-legged creatures who pursued him! If Baree could only get past Wakayoo he was safe! Baree darted to one side and ran for the open meadow.

Baree could hear him sniff could hear his breathing caught the starlight flashing in his reddish-brown eyes as they swung suspiciously toward the big boulder. If Baree could have known then that he his insignificant little self was making that monster actually nervous and uneasy, he would have given a yelp of joy. For Wakayoo, in spite of his size, was somewhat of a coward when it came to wolves.

Nepeese and Pierrot came over the slope, and at the same instant they saw both Wakayoo and Baree. Where they entered into the grassy dip under the rock walls, Baree turned sharply to the right. Here was a great boulder, one end of it tilted up off the earth. It looked like a splendid hiding place, and Baree crawled under it. But Wakayoo kept straight ahead into the meadow.