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a fraction that may be reduced to the simple form if there is no leakage during the passage of the air, because in that cause p2 v2 = p1 v1. Lastly, if W1 is the net disposable force on the shaft of the compressed air motor, the efficiency of this engine will be, and the product of these three partial efficiencies is equal to W1/W, the general efficiency of the transmission.

Motion is communicated from the way-shafts, w and w1, by the eccentrics, and the eccentric rods, e1 e2 e3 e4, and the levers and rods belonging thereto, to the short steam valve rocking shafts levers, f1 f2 f3 f4, and the exhaust valve rocking shafts, k1 k2 k3 k4, the bearings of which are carried on brackets above the valve chests, which, being furnished with tappet levers, raise and lower the valves.

If the earth is of such a nature that it sticks to the shovel, this relation does not hold. For the elements of shoveling we have therefore: s = time filling shovel and straightening up ready to throw. t = time throwing one shovelful. w = time walking one foot with loaded shovel. w1 = time returning one foot with empty shovel. L = load of a shovel in cubic feet.

The pistons are provided with cast iron double self-expanding packing rings. For preventing accidents by condensed water, spring safety valves, ss and s1 s1, are connected to the valve chests. The valve gear, which is arranged in the same manner for both cylinders, is actuated by shafts, w and w1, rotated by toothed wheels as shown.